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Mobile Banking: What Role Should a Bank Play in a Customer’s Life?

June 29

This recorded webinar focuses on new data highlighting banks’ relationship models – the role they play in customers’ lives. We break down what banking customers say they expect and want from banking providers, how this varies among different audiences, and how banks can drive growth by focusing on creating value in specific ways for the customer.

Mobile Banking Personetics

In this webinar featuring guest speaker Peter Wannemacher, Principal Analyst at Forrester, you’ll discover:  

  • Why banking customers are demanding different relationship models from their banks.  
  • How relationship models in banking are changing and which products, services, and mobile banking features drive differentiation and growth.  
  • Why (and how) bank executives and their teams must take an exploratory – but disciplined – approach to their near- and long-term mobile strategies.   
Peter Wannemacher Principal Analyst Forrester
Jody Bhagat President of Americas Personetics

Register Here for The Mobile Banking Webinar

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