In our customer obsessed strategy, we want to provide the best possible customer experience to our users by leveraging data to add value to our customer’s personal finance.
The initiative is currently deployed to all digital customers in all digital channels (app & web) and the response of our customers is being great. In every insight we set a five-star scale to allow the customer to rate the quality of the insight: our average rate is 4,5 out of 5, so it is perceived as a utility that adds value to their personal finance. Also, there is a box in every insight to allow free text.
In this moment, the project is focusing in two goals:
– Integrate most of the insights into the push engine. Currently it is deployed for thee cases. This feature will allow to communicate the insights in real time to the customers, as the situation happens. This is a game changer in the way Santander Spain have a conversation with its clients.
– Integrate most of the insights in timeline. The timeline is a feature that show the events and transactions of the customers when happened in a timeframe, also shows the probable date in the future of a probable event (as a negative balance predicted by predictive cashflow). As all insights have a date of possible taking place, they can be shown in the past (ie, a duplicate charge un the supermarket two weeks ago).
Some verbatim from our customers:
– I thought my spending was lower!
– Very useful! …It’s like having an inbox for my personal finance.
– Very useful It would be great if the merchant name was the same as the commercial name. I feel this is a bank taking care of me.